Published Des Plaines Vanguard Guestbook
  • Pat (Tierney) Rush  -  I am the mother of two and grandmother of five! I teach math in Moscow, Idaho. Marched in the color guard (flag) in 1971 & 1972.
  • Gayle Achuff  - Marched 63-64. I joined from the Cougars to start Frank Pamper's first girl rifle squad.
  • Bill Agnello  - 1961 thru 1969. Soprano 1961-66, Drum Major 1967-68, Soprano 1969 and asst mgr 1972.
  • Sam Agnello  - 1958-1960 played soprano with the Alamo Rangers. 1961 through 1968 played soprano with the best corps ever - the Des Plaines Vanguard (Played Solo Soprano from 1964 thru 1968). Awarded 1968 Vanguard Bugler of the year. 1969 through 1971 played lead soprano with the USMC. 1977-1978 played Mellophone with the Chicago Connection Senior Corps. 2003, 2004, 2005 playing lead soprano with the Royal-Airs Alumni Corps. Thanks, Jay, for such a great website!
  • Adeline Allen (Palumbo)  - I marched from 1960 to 1962 in the Color Guard. My brother Frank played drums. We both have fond memories of those days.
  • Jill Angel (Kozial)  - 1966-69
  • Mickey Antosiak  - 1965,1967. Flag-Rifle. M.T.D. Midway Airport City of Chicago.
  • Joe Arkin  - I am one of the Milwaukee crew that marched with the corps in 1971. I played triple-toms in the drum line. I was proud to to be a member of the Vanguard. The only disappointment I had was not going to VFW Nationals that year. I wanted so badly to march with the Vanguard at Nationals. It was a goal I had set for my last year in junior corps, and as a senior in high school. I went on to play in the Boys of '76 senior corps after that. I played in the St Matthias Cadets (Milwaukee, WI) prior to joining the Vanguard.
  • Michael Arwine  - I marched and played French horn with two of the greatest Drum Corps of all time.... The Morton Grove Spartans and the Des Plaines Vanguard. I marched with the Vanguard from 1965-1966. Just in that short amount of time, because of the poeple I marched with, and the time that we spent together, I have some of the greatest memories that any one person could have. To my follow Vanguards: Damn glad to see you are all out there and doing well.
  • Pam Arwine (Swanson)  - Hi! I marched with you 1964-1967 in the colorguard. Now, I'm living in Colorado, creating a new business in energy healing & consciousness coaching.
  • Steve Auditore
  • Sherman Austin  - I marched in the middle seventies. I played Contra Bass. I am preswently teaching Social Studies and coaching Basketball and tennis in North Chicago at Neal Math & Science Academy. I also recruit basketball players nationwide for college and European teams.
  • William Austin
  • Maddie Barrett
  • Tom Barrett
  • Ted Baur  - 1976, Soprano
  • Tony Baux  - Marched around 1974-77 Played Bass Drum.
  • Steven Baux  - 1972 - Hornline, 1973 - Drumline, 1974 - Drumline. Management Development Specialist
  • David Behrens  - Marched Bass Drum 1967-68, Assistant Drum Instructor 1968; Assistant Principal -Technology Coordinator of a Chicago Public School. Great site; looking at the names alone brings back some great memories
  • Carol Bender (Tokarz)  - Color guard 1968-1971. Great job with everything. It'll be so much fun to see everyone again, catch up and finally stay in touch. Echoing "Krueger's" is too short!! See everyone soon.
  • Georges Benjamin  - Marched late 1960's - early 1970's Played Barotone Physician
  • Ted Berg  - Drum line instructor for 1975 & 1976. Thanks so much for Cathy's efforts to reach me. The letter finally made it to my home in NY. The site brings back wonderful memories! Also, a special thanks to Bill O'Connell, it was always great to work with you.
  • Jim Berry  - I am a Skokie Vanguard Alumni - 1959-60-61
  • Carlton Bevill  - 1972 boy guard 1973-75 french horn
  • David Bevill ll  - 1971 - 1972 French Horn 1973 -Drum Major 1974 - Assistant Manager
  • Angela Bevill-Triche  - 1966-1973 Color Guard
  • Linda Biasi (Smith)  - I was a member of the color guard from 63 thru 66. Those were the best of times.
  • Michael Bonds  - If memory serves me right 1965-67 (Soprano)At present I am the Pastor of a church in the Englewood Community (6554 S. Western Ave.) Married 32 years with 3 children (31; 28; & 22)
  • Jane Boulen  - I just found your site and I love it. I really wanted to sign the guest book. The pictures brought back so many memories. It was fun seeing some of my shots from Drum Corps World in there. Corps days were some of the best of my life. It's funny how as you get older you really learn to appreciate the really fun things you did when you were younger. I was always proud to say I was a Vanguard and I still remember the feeling of being on the starting line. About ten years ago I was in Chicago and I got together with Mary Sosin, "Fuzz", Tom and Maddie Barrett and Gayle Dombrowski. It was like time stood still. Anyway, I'm rambling. Again,Jay, thanks for the site. It's GREAT. Jane
  • Kevin Boyd  - 1971-The end. Male color guard, Acting squad, Contra, Bugle Sergeant.
  • Valerie Boyd  - Marched 1968 thru 1972 in the colorguard.
  • Sylvia Boyd-Taylor  - 1969-1975 sidearm rifle sergent
  • Jerold Boyle  - 1969-1971 Contra Base
  • Leslie Brown  - Although I myself am not a former DesPlaines Vanguard, my father (Dick Brown) was very active in the corps as an instructor for many years in the early 60's. He was also a founding member of the CSJA, and judged numerous contests with his former Skokie Indian pal Bob Currie. Thanks so much for including Dad in your "family pics" section. I enjoyed your web site and all the memories it fostered!
  • Earlene Bryant-Federici  - I marched guard in 1971. I loved the corps. Keep in touch with many great friends.
  • Bill Buck
  • Dave Burkett  - 1957 - 1964. Color Guard, Bass Baritone, Contra Bass.
  • Terry Burton  -  1973 Cymbals
  • Robert Burton  - 1973-1976, Bass Drum, Triple Tenors, then Bass Drum Instructor; Production Supervisor at Claussen Pickle Company; doing genealogy and have over 300 pages already.
  • Keith Carlson  - 1969-1976, Color guard, Barritone, Drum Major
  • Andrew Carponelli  - 1967 - 1971 color guard. My parents live in Palatine also, about 5 minutes from my house.
  • Kevin Cary  - Hi - played soprano in 1967 and 1968 - came over from the McHenry Viscounts. Remember the first time we beat the Cavaliers in Madison in 67. I work on motorcycles for a living. Better red then dead.
  • Sharon Case (Pesceone)  - 1959-1961 - Color guard
  • robert cenin  - Hello there, I was in the Vanguard Senior Corps back in 93-94-95, and was wondering what happend to the corps, and if they are planning to march anytime soon. Please get back to me.
  • Vincent Chancey  - Played soprano from 1965-1968. Jay, The site is great. I see a lot of hard work there. I do remember you from your old photos.
  • Mike Chiodo  - Timpani, triples, Snare Drum, 73-76.
  • Jeff Chiu  - Marched boy guard: 68-69. Reside in Chicago area. Recently attended DCI shows and often think about the great years as a Vanguard and how old friends are doing.
  • Adrienne Cinnamon (Bloom)  - 1972-1975 Color Guard I was a member of the "Brat Squad" in '72. Remember them? I went on to march in the Phantom Regiment and Guardsmen.
  • Sue Cleland (Tokarz)  - Color guard 69-73. The web-site is great. Genoa-Kingston High School Special-Ed. 9-12
  • Susan Cleland (Tokarz)
  • Bob Cochran  - Marched in 1960 to 1963, then a brief excursion with Uncle Sam in the Navy, then marched 1965 and part of 1966. I had to retire a little early in '66 as I was 22 yrs old. Oops! Played Solo Soprano with Bill and Sam Agnello and Jay Knebl as well as lots of other talented people. I'm now in sales of Motorcycle, ATV and Personal Watercraft accessories to dealers all over the country, ride a Harley almost every day and play LOTS of golf.
  • Penny Cook (Maiden: Kwetinski)  - 1966, 1967, 1968 Color Guard, Flag and Saber. My brother, Lee Kwetinski, just found the site and told me about it. Thx, it's great!
  • Larry Coste  - After my Vanguard days was one of the founders and Drill Design /M&M instructor of the Bleu Raeders. I left the Drum Corps world in 1975, but have taken a more active interest starting about 6 years ago when a DCI show came to my area (Southern Louisiana), and I have attended the Movie Theatre DCI shows. It would be great to hear from any of the Vanguard. I will look at the Vanguard site regularly now that I know it exists. I live in River Ridge, (a suburb of New Orleans) and have for the past 30 years. I enjoy Mardi Gras, especially the Parades. My parade was especially great this year, as The Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees rode as “King” in the parade, and I got to touch the Super Bowl Lombardy Trophy.
  • Tim Cybulski  - 1967-1970 Hornline. I was proud to be part of the greatest corps in the world. Being part of the Vanguard built character. I remember playing at the 1968 Democratic National Convention - That was awesome.
  • Valerie Danielson Everly  - I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this rganization, it was really alot of fun (and hard work). i was a member of the color guard in 1972-1973. It was such an enjoyable time in my teen years!!... I was able to travel alot and get to know many people. I googled the Vanguard one day and it was like stepping into a time machine.... when is the next reunion?
  • Jim Dannelevitz Sr  - 1963 - 1967 Played first soprano with Jim, Jim and JoAnn. Married and living the good life in South Florida! I bet you guys thought I fell off the end of the world... no such luck, I'm still here.
  • Anthony Davis  - 1970 Timptom player, the short guy. USMC 8th & Eye 1973 snare drummer. Currently Network Analyst.
  • Eric Davis  - 1972 lead baritone - I came to Big Red after 6 years in Marion Cadets, and though only in the corps one year will always be a Vanguard! As far as I know, I was the first one from Ohio to march in the corps. Others followed. Because I was a Cincinnati Reds fan, some of the guys called me Johnny Bench or Pete Rose. It was a great year, one of the best of my life, and I'll always feel proud to have worn that uniform.
  • Michael Deane  - '60-'63. French Horn, Drum Major (with Don Hertell) in '63. I STILL listen to DC tapes! Vanguard in 66-72 were sooooo good.
  • John Devito
  • John Dombrauskas  - 1969 - 1971 Soprano
  • Mark Dombroski  - 1969-1972 Bass Drum
  • Diane Easley-Bates  - Marched in 1971 and 1972
  • Michael Eden  - This is Mike Eden, bass line 67 - 69. I'm looking forward to connecting with everyone again!
  • Cathy Elrod-LeClair
  • Herb Eng  - 1968-1972 soprano.
  • Michelle Engram Thomas  - I marched in 1971-72. I have a few pictures, but they are not dated so I do not know if they are from '71 or '72. If I have some good ones, I shall scan them and send them to you. Nice site. Wish I had some videos.
  • Colleen Ficek-Clavesilla  - Marched in 1973 Vanguard (Pike/Flag) and McHenry Viscounts 1968 to 1972 (Rifle, Pike and Seargent).
  • Dale Garrison  - 1965 Snare drum line. I was a transplant from The Brigade with McGuff. Jay, remember when we hit the donkey in your mom's cherry 56 Ford Victoria? I'm watching DCI nationals on ESPN tonight and decide to google to see if there was a Vanguard site out there. WOW, to my surprise your all still here. Great to see the photos. I have to share this Hauser and my friends. Still have my practice pad.
  • Ron Geweniger
  • Janet Gianopoulos  - Color Guard, Saber, Flag. Three years, '70 to '72.
  • Marguerite Glaeser (Hohs)  - Marched with Skokie Vanguard 1959 - 1961 color guard.
  • Lori Glaser (Hoff)  - I marched years 67,68 and 69 color guard, rifle (part of the Rockford gang marching for the Vanguard). I am in property management and I have been at the same job for 29 years. I have three children and still live in Rockford, Illinois.
  • Nancy Glasgow  - Marched 1970 - 1974; two years flag; two years rifle. Am married and living in Naperville, IL and working in the City.
  • Donald Granger  - I was in the Vanguards for about a year, I believe it was 1968? 1969? I was in the boys color guard as flag bearer. My Drill Instructor was Jeffrey Chiu. My team practiced on Friday nights at an Airline hanger at O'Hare Airport. I never missed a practiced night, always looked forward to practice close order drill until that one unfateful night, something told me not to go to practice. I learned later in the evening, a passenger plane came in for a landing under dense fog, missed the runway and crashed into the hanger where my fellow teammates were practicing. If I remember, all perished except for Jeffrey Chiu. Ronnie Poppas died a week later in the Intensive Burn Unit. If there are any more survivors from my team and are living today, I sure would like to hear from them. But before this all happened, I really enjoyed being a member with the Vanguards. I participated in the Hubert Humphrey torch light parade in Chicago and a parade in Desplaines.
  • Ron Green  - 1963-1970 Soprano and Baritone Soloist in Bali-Hai Currently practicing with Royal Airs for 2004 season.
  • Jim Grosso  - Marched from 1961 through 1968. Currently working as an IT consultant, and playing "hillbilly" music in a bluegrass band in my spare time. It's really coincidental to hear about this website right now, since I just recently got back in touch with some old RoyalAirs through the "Friends of Our Lady of the Angels" organization.
  • Jim Grothman  - Marched 1973 contra bass. Currently with R/A reunion corps.
  • Michael Grothman  - A fan of the Vanguard from the early sixties, was finally able to join in 73. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Played french horn.
  • Gemette Grothman (Kupec)  - Marched 1973,flag. Currently marching R/A reunion corps. We need more guard, come on down!
  • Paul Gruber  - colorguard-1966-69 Thank you Jay and company for the great job you've done on this web site.It's super being in touch once again with the greatest people on God's green earth.I hope there will be a reunion in the works sometime soon. God Bless You All!!! Paul
  • Jane Gruber (Sinclair)  - Alumni of the Skokie & Chicago Vanguard 1964-65-66 Colorguard. Camp Palmer & Winchester/ Woburn, MA. Great Memories, Great Friends. Thank you, Jay
  • Gina Guare  - 1971-74 Rifle, 1975 Guard Sgt., 1976 Drum Major.
  • Bob Guare  - Boy Guard,'71, Color Guard Instructor '72-'74
  • Ralph Hallman  - I was in the corps '64 - '69. Carried a flag the first four years, played the bass drum the last year.
  • Carl Hamann  - 1966,1967 Euphonium Bugle
  • Dean Hammer  - It turns out I became a real professor! It's good to see Dave Bevill's name. Hope Carl is well. Some great memories.
  • Morris Harper  - 1972 Vanguard
  • Sam Harrold  - 67-69
  • Greg Hauser  - 1964 - 1966, Unfonium contra bass, currently working on the last of the deep tunnel project on the far south side of Chicago.
  • Howard Hawley  - '62-'65, soprano, independant contractor. Keep me posted on the upcoming reunion!!!!!!
  • Dolan Heard  - 1968-1971 -Contrabass. Currently CEO/President Enterprise Systems Integration, Inc. Knowledge Management Software Applications
  • Dennis Heidmann  - 1960-65 Drumline
  • Karen Helms (Lee)  - I was in the flag line for the last 2 or 3 years. Great web site, glad it is here. We did not field a Drum Corps in 1974, but we did field a Color Guard that was pretty good. We had a lot of fun any way.
  • Jeff Hendricks  - 1972 bass drummer, survived the Johnstown flood, all the good times are still remembered... now, i just do insurance, oh well, its a living!
  • Michael Henry-Wells  - 1972-1973, 1st. soprano.
  • Don Hertel  - Living in San Diego since 1966 - After leaving Vanguard to go in the Navy I was the Drum Major for the Anaheim Kingsmen and wrote their Drill for many years including the 1972 DCI Championship year. I will be attending the DCI Show in Orlando this year. Are any of you Alumni going too. It would be great to hear from all of you. We have a Great Drum Corps in San Diego called Esperanza. Div II Champs we hope this year. Thanks for starting this great website.. Don Hertel
  • Dave Hill  - Great work, Jay. Loved it!
  • Donald Hill  - Marched 1971-73 Baritone. Currently arranging for the Cadets of Bergen County. Come see the corps this year at the Des Plaines show.
  • Greg Hitchcock  - 1970 Flat bass drum, 71 & 72 Tympani, 73 Guard. Thanks for the web site!
  • Gordy Hoke  - 1960-1964. Soprano 1960-1962, French Horn 1964-66, Drum Major 1966.
  • Dorothy Holmgren (LeBeau)  - I marched 1966, carried a sabre and marched as a floater. Obviously at different times.
  • Michael Hoss  - I was in the Hornline Soprano Section from 68 to 69. I was a member of the "All Rookie Squad". First parade was the '68 Democratic Convention".
  • Connie House-Hermes  - Marched 1969-1974 as side-arm, flag, sabre, rifle, and guard sergeant. Great job on the website! Wonderful memories! I've had to resort to my assertive "guard sergeant voice" I learned in '74 several times with my two children and my 5th grade students.
  • Theresa Howell  - Color Guard
  • Karen Howell-Harper  - Karen Howell-Harper - Color Guard rifle line
  • Jim Hunt
  • Fred and Rose Huscher  - Rose Huscher(Armatys) 64-66 Color Guard Fred Huscher 65-66 Tenor Drum. We enjoy living in the Mountains of Western North Carolina and are active in Real Estate.
  • Randy Isoda  - 1972 First Baritone and soloist.
  • Ellen Jackson (Neely)  - Marched 1967-1971 Color Guard, Flag 67 & 68 Sabre 69-71
  • Norman Jacobsen  - 1957-1961 Tenor Drum President, Viking Steel, Inc. Looking forward to the Reunion
  • Brian Jacobsen  - 1958 to 1962
  • Ruth Jacobsen (Petersen)  - I was in the Vanguard's first "girl" color guard. I was a flag bearer and then the color guard sargeant. My years were 58'to '60.
  • Hank Jakob
  • Larry Johnson
  • Marylou Johnson  - About l959 to l962. Also marched with the Royal Airs in l962/1963. Vanguards: Color Guard - Rifle, Sabre, Flag. Royal Airs: American Flag.
  • Jenny Johnson (Roland)  - 1967,1968, 1969 Jay: Kudos to you! Great idea and web site. Brings back memories. Thanks, Jenny
  • Deborah Johnson (Smith)  - I marched in the colorguard from 1974 to the end, went on to march with the Phantom Regiment 78-82. Married 23 years , 4 great kids & living in WI.
  • Bryan Johnston  - 1965 & 1967 rifle & flag
  • Mike Karr  - 65,66. Bass,Logistics Manager
  • Darlene (Spot) Kasik (Miller)  - I was in the Color Guard 1960 thru 1963. I now have 5 grandchildren. That's me between Art Marks & Bob Cochran in the 50th Reunion picture(20 years ago). Gee, where did the years go?
  • Joann Kerhlikar  - I marched from 1959 through 1964 and carried a flag in the Color Guard.
  • John Kerhlikar  - Soprano, from '58 to '61. I marched in the "BB" era: before brawds. We wore the red & grey and blew cast iron horns under the leadership of the "Two Larrys": Larry Lavita and Larry Johnson. With guys like Tom Naples, "Jake" Jacobsen, "Bogie" Reeves and Dick 'El Beed' Beedy, we didn't take any crap from any other corps. Trophies, what trophies? We didn't need no stinkin' throphies. Those were the days!
  • Marilyn Unrath Kerhlikar
  • Greg Kmiec
  • Jay Knebl  - 1958-1967
  • William Koch
  • Barbara Korn  - Have been reintrodued to drum corps since last year. Have seen the Royal airs, Kilties & the new corps. OLD CORP RULES. See some of you at he shows. Keep corps going.
  • Larry Kozial  - 1966 - Color Guard, 1967 - Base Drum, 1968 -Tenor Drum, 1969 - Timp Tom, 1970 - Snare Drum
  • Kurt Kreimier  - Marched Contra in 1973. Also played tenor sax with Bill O'Connell for many years, including a good number of years playing and recording with his big band. Also marched Viscounts in 1971 & 1972 and worked off and on as an instructor for several corps from 1974 through 1983.
  • Mike Krueger  - Marched and played baritone 1964-1968, Drum Major 1969-1970, worked with color guard 1971. Recently retired after 30+ yrs on Chicago and Des Plaines police. Locked up as many Cavies as I could (ha,ha). To all my friends out there, lets now try to stay in touch, life’s too short not to be a Vanguard. Still hanging out with Vanguard greats - Barretts, Knebls, Agnellos, La Casses, etc. Looking forward to the reunion. Great job and thanks, Jay for all your work!!!!!
  • John Krueger  - marched 1962-1969 played basedrum some of the best years of my life were in drum corp lots of fond memories, gone but not forgotten
  • David (Chip) La Casse  - 1958 -1965. Cymbals, drums and Drum Major.
  • Carol LaCasse  - I marched 4 years in the color guard (rifle, sabre)from 1962-1965.
  • Skip LaCasse  - 1972. Cymbals. I would like to thank my Uncle Chip, Aunt Carol and many others for a place in time a 4ft. tall, proud little man with 3ft. cymbals will never forget.
  • Pat LaMontagna (Paolella)  - Was in the Colorguard from 1959 thru 1966 or 67. Can't remember (another senior moment) HAHA
  • Paul Lazarski  - Great Website!!!! Enjoyed visiting the ole memories. Marched from 60,61,62 in the french horn line. Marched with such talented people as Dave Burkett, Mike Deane and Bogie Reeves. Hell, Bogie was a great snare but also played a mean piano. My highlight was Nationals in Miami, will never forget the Orange Bowl and the fun we had in spite of those damn chaparones:):). Am a proud grampa now and a retired USAF fighter pilot. Would enjoy gettin to a reunion and maybe catching a Cubs game. Paul
  • Robyn Leonardi (Schwartz)  - I marched from 1968-1969 year until 1973. I was in the color guard carrying flag and ended in the rifle squad.
  • Irwin Levine  - Marched from 1963 to 1966. Played baritone bugle with Mike Krueger and Stan Kurokawa.
  • Barry Lewis
  • Bill Leyh  - "Owl"
  • Tom Lingenfelter  - I was a member of the Vanguard in 1973. One of the McHenry Viscount crowd that came over.
  • Joyce Loman  - Marched 1959 thru 1962 - in the flag line. Taught a couple of years after that.
  • Christopher Loza  - 1972-1974, Soprano. I wasn't very good at playing but I had a GREAT time. Currently playing guitar with several band and teaching music at the local schools as well as privately. Married for over 18 years and have a ten year old girl named Olivia. Before moving up to the mountains, my life was spent sailing on the Pacific and living on boats. I have fond memories of all my time in the Vanguard and hope to see my daughter in drum corps soon. Love to hear from you guys.
  • Arlene Lubarsky (Krueger)  - How fun is this! Thanks Jay! Color Guard '67-68.
  • Joann Luke (Pellettiere)  - Marched from 1962 until 1965 in the Color Guard.
  • Diana Massoni/ Kranz  - 1964/65 Color Guard What great memories I have, what honest healthly fun those years were. I wish the kids now days got out in the sunshine, rain & heat like we did to enjoy life. I have worked for the same company for almost 24 years I am now the office manager/ H.R person for Kennedy Homes I have one son, Jim & two grandsons, Jonthan & Ryan.
  • Julie May  - Marched 1974 till almost the end on the Horn line. Living the "good" life in Michigan with my family.
  • John McClellan  - Finally,The Vanguard is properly documented in history thanks to Jay McGuffin, Dave Hill, Dave Burkett and the Agnello Brothers, Bill and Sam. I proudly marched in The Vanguard from 1966 to 1972, after 5 years in The Giles Yellow Jackets. I played second french horn in 1966 and marched in a squad with Lee Kwetinsky and Pat Korn, first french horn in 1967, 1968 and 1969 and marched in a squad with Bill McClellan and Jim Hunt. In 1970, I played soprano and marched with Herbie Eng and Wayne Jaros. In 1971 and 1972, I had the great pleasure and honor to be Drum Major. WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE AND PRIVILEGE TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH OUTSTANDING, DEVOTED AND TALENTED CORPS MEMBERS, STAFF AND INSTRUCTORS.
  • William McClellan  - Thank you for this!!!! I marched from 1966-1971 as a french horn player and as a mellophone player (1971). Was "Outstanding Bugler" in 1967, and "Vanguard of the Year" in 1968. I was also in the United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps from 1972 to 1974, and was the bugler on their recruiting posters. I think about the Vanguard daily and cherish every one of you whom I marched with, and those who have been Vanguards.
  • Gail McGraw nee Tysl  - 1963-65, Color Guard -flag. Currently the Director of Contracts for an aerospace corporation in Ohio. It was fun to see the old pictures. I hope to make it to the reunion.
  • Jay McGuffin  - Tenor Drum and Snare Drum from October, 1964 through 1970. I came from Lake County ("Custer's Brigade" and then "Brigade"). Also assisted Dick Brown with instructing the drum line in 1970. From there I was pretty much out of drum corps but got the "bug" late last couple of years and I am back. Since then, I wrote the Vanguard article for the "History of Drum & Bugle Corps Part II Encyclopedia ", created this website and helped out on the Vanguard Reunion. All in one year! I also joined the Chicago Royal Airs and marched in 2004. This is great! I am having the time of my life; talking to and meeting all my old freinds has been better that I ever could have hoped for! The Reunion was FABULOUS!
  • Tom Miller  - '62-'63 Berwyn Blue Knights, '64 Vanguard Drumline, '67,'68 Vanguard Color Guard. Riding the Cicero Avenue bus to Vanguard Hall on Irving Park Road, and all the times spent there, will always be great, lifetime memories. Thanks to all involved! This is great! Thanks a million! Time moves on, but the memories are timeless. Thanks again, and hope life is peaceful and happy.
  • Pete Miller  - Came from Morton Grove Cougars. Marched with the Vanguard in part of 1965, 1966 and part of 1967.
  • Don Mjoen  - 1954 - 1957. French horn. Attended Lane Tech with Don Pesceone - Talked him into joining up. Voted on the name 'Vanguard". Older brother (Ken)marched with Logan Square 1947 - 1954, then went on to the Skokie Indians.
  • Phillip Moore  - I marched in the corps from 1970 -1975. I played lead soprano. Oh, my nickname was "Tack".
  • Kathy Moore
  • Colleen (Penny) Moore
  • Bob Moore
  • Bob Moore
  • Glenn Morimoto  - I played soprano in 1972 & '73. You can see what I've been doing at Some of the best people and memories I have as a youth are from my yrs. in the "Guard"! Sorry I can't make the reunion, I'm moving to Albuquerque New Mexico, end of August-04
  • Paul Moy  - marched 68, 70-73 baritone
  • Janice Moy (Bohan)  - color guard, flag 74-76
  • Dr. W Mike Murphy  - 1969. 1970 and 1971-soprano. I'm glad to know that time and love of Drum Corps will never let us truly grow apart. I miss my friends and relatives who marched with us: Dolan Heard, Monroe Harper, Maria Grafitti, John and Bill McClellan -my favorite guard member Terry, and everyone who helped us understand what "team" meant. Bless us all!
  • Gerald Nakamura  - Drum line in 72 and most of 73! Coolest uniforms ever.
  • Carolyn Nash (Ball)  - I marched with Skokie Vanguards - 1959, 60, 61 and winter season 62 -Color Guard - Sabre and Flag. Mom and Dad (Jim and Eileen Ball) were chaparones. They are now in Drum Corps Heaven... saving us a spot on the line. Thanks for the memories. Great site!
  • Maureen Nelson (Heinz)  - 1966.1967.
  • Mel Netz
  • Raymond A. Noble  - Marched 52-55 Snare Drum
  • Bill O'Connell  - Vanguard 1968-1976 and 1987-1988 Vanguard Senior Corps. The 9 years I spent in the Des Plaines Vanguard Junior Corps helped develop leadership skills that benefited me in my life. Jay Knebl and I were tied for most number of years in the Vanguard organization! Drum major for 2 years in the senior corps, I got you beat, Jay! Great memories, wonderful time! Thanks again Jay for a job well done. Bill O'Connell
  • Eugene O'Connell
  • Cathy O'Connell Letourneau  - I marched from 1969 through 1975. I started out in the guard (flag) moving into the drumline (cymbals, bassdrum, concert bells). Great job with the site!
  • Mimi O'Donnell  - I marched 1967-1970 in the colorguard. I am a registered nurse and presently working as the Manager for Post-Marketing & Clinical Drug Safety at Abbott Laboratories. I have a son, Keith, who will turn 20 on May 25th. He is a sophmore at U of I in the AeroSpace engineering program.
  • Jim O'Donnell  - 65 thru 68, Solo Soprano and had the greatest time with you all !!!! Remember flying garbage cans from St. Lucy's in Boston? Can't wait to see you all! Nice job
  • Toni O'Kelley-Pope  - GREAT job on the site Jay! I was in the Color Guard apx 64 thru 70. I marched flag and sabre squad. The Vanguard will forever be etched in my brain as some of the BEST years of my life. I also use to write a column in "Drum Corp Diest magazine". Soooo many memories. I have lots of photos, but most are off-field shots. My love to everyone who has ever been a Vanguard. Oh ... yeah, I still have my original ozoe. Anybody remember "OOKERS"? I'd be glad to hear from anyone who remembers me. Holla!
  • Tom O'Neill  - I got "Hooked up" to this site thanks to Ray Smith. I have to admit, I'm stunned. It's 6:00 AM and I have to go to work but I can't pull myself away from the site. Great job to you all. Miss you!
  • Vi Oberwise  - Vi Kois 1962-67 Colorguard, now Oberwise, married to Rob going on 20 years. Proud mother of two sons John (Shelley) & Joe (Lisa) Knebl and step-daughter Maggie. Very proud grandmother to Jackie age 2 and Ian age 20 months. I'm retired after selling my hair salon in Arlington Hts. I enjoy excerise classes, our cottage in Wisconsin, decorating, travel, our dog, and most of all time with the grandbabies!!
  • Vi Oberwise Kois  - Marched 1962 through 1967 Colorguard Married to Rob and we have 3 children - John (Shelley), Joe (Lisa), & Maggie. Four grandchildren - Jackie & Ellie, Ian & Landon
  • Frank Pamper  - Frank would never refer to himself as a Legend, but to those who knew him, thank you for that title. Because of health reasons, e-mail thru this address will reach him via JoAnn Pamper Blickers, his sister. Frank sends his regards to all his old friends.
  • Jo Ann Pamper Blickers  - Kid sister to Frank Pamper; first (oh-my-god) female Drum Major; Woodstock Il Meineke franchise co-owner; accepting messages for Frank at our e-mail address. He's doing very well considering some strokes.
  • Ned Pannek  - 1958 - 64 Brass
  • Steve Pattengale  - Soprano '71-'72 Couldn't have been a better experience-- made lifelong friends and was proud to be a Vanguard.
  • Raymond Pawelko
  • Rita Perschau  - 1969 AND 1970 COLORGUARD
  • Jeff Perschau  - 1969 AND 1970 DRUM LINE
  • Donald Pesceone  - 1954 to 1960
  • Dale Peters  - 1958-1960 Bass Drum Drill/Visual Designer for the Nisei Ambassadors, Royal Airs,Guardsmen, Cavaliers. CSJA Judge 1961-until 1998 Retired Principal of a Chicago Public School. Now on Faculty of DePaul University supervising student teachers. Last drum corps gig: Drill Designer of Royal Air Reunion Corps.
  • Faith Peters (Stevens)  - 1960/61 when I was in the color guard. (Email address is my sister)
  • Rose Pitcher
  • David Ply  - 1966 thru 1970.
  • Dennis Powell  - I marched with the corps in 1970 on the drum line playing cymbals, 1972 and 73 on the boy color guard. I'm a book publisher (not a writer) and own my own publishing firm. I'm so glad I found this site and I miss you all.
  • Glenn Purtell  - At the age of 7 years old (1947), I joined the Logan Square corps serving as 'waterboy' through 1949. Began in Logan brass 1951, and stayed through the 1959 season. Last show was Nationals in Minneapolis. Wouldn't change the experience for anything!! My Cousin was Ed Reimer who wrote our music through the mid-50's and he went on to write for the championship Skokie Indians. My father Gordon Purtell was business manager for the Vanguard for several years(1954- 57). My brother Gordon Jr. marched in Logan Square and Skokie Inidans. Have many old photos!!
  • Edwin Putkonen  - Gladstone S.A.L. 1949, 1950, Logan Square 1951, 1952 Mel Tierney 1952 1953 Left for U.DS. Naval Academy 1953.
  • Mark Reddinger  - I marched from 1973 untill the end, I was in the drum line played Trip's and then the Zylophone
  • Freddie Reed-Davis  - I marched '75 & '76. I remember playing the bells & being a member in drum section. I am a nurse practioner in the NICU at County Hospital in Chicago.
  • Bogie Reeves
  • Craig Rennack  - 1962-1965 Baritone and Euphonium. Former member of the Chessmen and Windy City Cadets. While in the service also marched with St. Mary's Cardinals in Beverly Mass.
  • Dave Richards
  • Lora Rodriguez ( Klapka)  - Marched 1971 thru 1976-colorguard; happily married for almost 23 years and still in touch with some drum corps friends
  • Lee Romes Aitken  - Marched 1965 - 1967 color guard, 1968 color guard sergeant. Being a Vanguard was a great honor and the best years of my young life. Can't believe I finally found this site after a year of searching !!
  • Donna Ruck (Hammarquist)  - Marched in 1959 and 60.
  • Pat Rymer-Sylvia  - 1972 and 1973 Flag. Now an Office Manager for law firm in Des Plaines, IL.
  • Donald Scheibenreif  - 1956/7 Park Ridge/MelTourney Vanguards. Skokie Vanguards up to 1960. Soprano horn. U.S.Postal Inspector,retired.
  • Joseph Schmidt
  • Larry Schuck  - Marched in the 60's - 63 , 64 , 65, I think ! Bass drum, cymbals, flag. I now live in the boonies, outside a no horse town, BUT 30 miles from Kalamazoo, ( for the central championships this year). Drove for Madison 2000 and 2001!!!!
  • Will and Cuby Schuck  - Our (Larry and Nancy Schuck's,) parents were involved in just about ever aspect of our Vanguard experience. My Dad, Will, was President of the Corps, during some of the years we both marched, and my Mom (with the funny name, Cuby,) was a chaperone, cook, sewer, nurse, you name it! They live outside Chicago in Riverside. I still drag them to local corps shows occasionally!! Larry Schuck.
  • Nancy Schuck (Teel)  - Marched Sabre, Bill Bally Era! Sometime in the 60s !!
  • Jeff Schultz  - Member in 1972, 1973, 1975 and 1976.
  • Dan Schwartz  - 61-63 Baritone. Steffens promised I would meet a lot of girls and all the beer I could drink/never could believe anything he told me. Memories are forever!
  • Lou Sciarra  - Color guard, soprano horn, drum major 1955 to 1958 - Retired Police officer 30 years with 28 of those years as a (CSI) Crime Scene Investigator.
  • Harry Sheridan  - 1958-1963
  • Larry (el jethro) Simmons  - I proudly marched (67-72).What an exciting time, playing 1st bari and marching with this dynamic contingent! I have been in sales mgmt.the last 17 yrs..
  • Dona Slowik (Lynch)  - Having lost all my memorabilia in a flood it was nice to be able to view pictures online of places and faces of times past. Thanks for the memories!
  • Ray Smith  - 1966 - 1970 66/69 soprano, 70 mellophone. Jay, nice flashback.
  • Tim Smith  - 1955-57 Soprano; 1958-62 French Horn; 1963 Drum Major
  • Laurie (Showalter) Smith  - 1961-63 Color Guard
  • Eddie Smith  - I is good to say that on an August day on a fair ground in West Alice, Wi 1969, I shared with 127 other individuals and staff the experience of being number one in drum corp world. Good luck to all in the future.
  • Craig Smith  - '65-'68, snare.
  • Jim Sobacki  - I marched (soprano) in '69, '72, '73, and taught in '76. Now I teach around Lake County, and play trumpet wherever I can...
  • Debbie Soberski (Wiegand)  - Additional Comments: those were some of the best years of my life. I became interested in Drum Corps when I went to see my cousin (he was a Cavalier). When I became old enough he helped me find a corps I could join that had women (really girls) …that is how I became a Vanguard. I was so happy to be in for those few short years. When I looked at the reunion photos I was surprised on many people I recognized.
  • Steve Sommerfield  - 1962-1966 Soprano and French horn
  • Steven Sommerfield  - 1962-1966 Second soprano and French horn
  • Bill Sosin
  • Mary Sosin (Von Qualen)  - In the best Color Guard (1964-70) of its time. Guard Sgt. 1969 & 1970.
  • Ed Spitler  - It's been so long ago, I don't remember. Late 50's, early 60's sounds good. Best time of my life. Started out on bass drum, then tenor. Thanks to Larry Levito for all the help he gave me to learn how to play those things.
  • Lillian (Lilly) Staar (Gene)  - I was part of the Skokie Vanguard, 1963-1965, sabre, rifle squad.Norm & I celebrate 32 years of marriage and we have 3 sons. I work as an admistrative assistant at our church & am also a beauty consultant.
  • David Stamm  - 1972 - 73
  • Rich Stanczak  - Marched Contrabass with the Vanguard in 1965, 1966 & 1968. Also marched with the Chicago Connection from 1977 to 1979, the Royal Airs Reunion/Alumni Corps from 2002 to 2005, and from 2006 to the present with the Hawthorne Caballeros Alumni Corps.
  • Ray Steffens  - 59-64 joined the end of 59 didn't march or travel with the corps that year. 65-66 groupie. Played bari.
  • Steve Stepanek  - Marched from 1962-1964. One of the great rifle squads, in the days of carrying and spinning 14 lb rifles. Ah, the good ole days. Recently moved back to Illinois from Seattle. Teaching now in Chicago.
  • David Stoll  - 1962/1966. Second soprano
  • Bob Stoll  - Great Job!!!! Brings back many many wonderful memories. See ya in October. 1960 to 1966 Drums
  • Tom Stranich  - Holy Cow, I was back in Chicago in Aug. of 04 and left the Tuesday before the reunion without knowing about it. Shoot. I'm not sure most of you would remember me but I can pick B. O'Connell out of a lineup!! Been living in California for the last 11 years and have been writing music for film, TV, and radio off and on for the last 15 years. Saw Randy I. at the last NAMM show and am still close friends with Gerald Nakamura and Chris Loza. Glad to see everyone is good and healthy after all these years!!! I would love to hear from all that remember the "corp jinx". (hahaha!!) Wishing you all the best.....
  • Carl Sullivan  - I Marched in the Skokie and Des Plaines Vanguard with Herman Young, in fact he and I were the first African American members of the Vanguard. Actually, I brought (in fact encouraged) many of the other African Americans to the corps, including Vincent, Michael, Benny, Johnny and William and Toni, etc. I left the corps due in - part to some internal conflicts. It was ruff then. I played with the Hornets, Yellow Jackets and the RA. Later I played with the USN D & B. I played lead soprono and 1st baritone. I hope I have the occasion to be invited to the next reunion. I now live in the San Francisco Bay Area and recently went to a show featuring the Santa Clara Vanguards. I am starting a corps with the BSA out here called the Pacific Skyliners. Do you remember the run-in we had with some locals when our bus broke down in Pittsburgh, PA? In addition, we had to be escorted out of town by the local police. Add me to you list... Carl Sullivan
  • Gayle Swanson (Dombroski)
  • Everett Sykes  - I think I joined in the fall of 1953 I played a horn still have it and marched till 1957 I attended Lane Tech with a few other Vanguard members I'm looking forward to a reunion and bringing back some great memories I have some photos too Lets here from you guys
  • Jim Unrath  - With the corps from 1959-197?, off and on. Ass't brass instructor, business manager, manager during some pretty great years! Went off to judge for Central States and DCI, taught amd managed a couple of other corps (Nisei Ambassadors, Pittsburgh Royal Crusaders) but always seemed to come back to the Vanguard.
  • Marcie Ussery (Guise)
  • Lee Ventura  - 1952-3--1960, Brass horn, working in life and health insurance, risk selection and real estate broker. Married 43 years, 4 children, 3 grandchildren and ready for retirement.
  • Edward Violett  - Marched 67,68,69 contra bass. I now own Squad 10 Red Hots a Mobile Food Consession and Cartering Business
  • Stephen Vitello  - 1965, Drum Major. It's great to hear about the reunion. Very nice job on the web-site.
  • Ken Voss  - 66 thru 68, soprano. Still have my OZO. Thanks Jay.
  • Kathleen Walsh (Jordan)  - ("Fuzz") Color Guard 1969-1971. Personnel Manager 1973- end. I am so happy to see the website on my beloved drum corps. They were such happy years for me but sorry that they had to come to an end. The memories came rushing back when I looked at the pictures. God I really loved the Vanguard!
  • Devin Washington  -  I marched with the Des Plaines Vanguard from 1973 - 1976 as a mellophone soloist. Thank you for you attention to this addition. It was great to see that there is a website for such a great organization.
  • Susan Wetendorf (Bodkin)  - If I remember, I marched 1964 through 1969. I played a flag. I loved being in the corps and the feeling of working toward a shared goal.
  • Archie White  - 1968. First soprano. Married to Claire. We have two children, Emma and Quinn, White. As a kid I was called Archie. My real name is Quintin Archibald White. I am very glad to see the early years of the Vanguard placed on the Web.
  • Karen White (Young)  - I marched in the flag line during the 1969 season and the rifle line during the 1970 season. I had previously marched with Norwood Park and with the St. Alexis Vikings. I am currently the Superintendent of Schools for the Gallup-McKinley County School District in Gallup, New Mexico.
  • Rose (Marie) Wilson (Meyers)  - I was A Skokie Vanguard. Marched from 1958(maybe 1957) until 1961. Carried the American Flag, mostly.
  • Annette Wishner (Kozial)  - 67-72 color guard, sabre squad. Thank you, Jay... The memories are hard to beat!
  • Jim Wisniewski  - First joined the Vanguard in 1959-1960, 60-63 Morton Grove Cougars, 64 Spartan, 65-69 Vanguard. Snare Drum. Jay, great job - moved-to-tears after talking to you after 33 years. Will not wait another 33! See you at DCI in Orlando. Anyone attending, contact me - I live in the Orlando area.
  • Glenn Woerz  - Younger brother of Chuck ("Chuckie") Woerz former drumline and drum major throughout the early years. Dad (Art Woerz) played with Gladstone, Logan Square and Skokie Indians (Sr. Corp). Trivia: Dad took Don Pesceone, Jack Sypes, Chuckie and I on a fishing trip to Minnesota. I watched Dad dig an orange "flatfish" fishing lure out of Don's back, that side-arm casting Jack had embeded there. A very memorable week for a 10-year-old.
  • Danny Wojcik  - Great to see this site up and running! Many kudos to the people responsible!
  • Susan Wojcik  - I marched in 1973, Color Guard
  • Paul Wojtena  - Marched 1961 to 1964 Played tenor drum (1 yr) and snare (3 yrs). Judged Drum Corps for 27 years including 23 years for DCI. After a 10 year absence, I starting judging Corps again this year(2004) for DCM. I am also still active with CSJA-Central States Judging Assoc. and I judge marching band competitions nationwide during the fall season of the year. During the winter I also judge indoor percussion for the IPA-Indiana Percussion Assoc. I still enjoy judging and being around the young people, it keeps you young and your mind working. There are some really talented kids out there and I have had a wonderful time judging these many years. Graduated from Purdue U. with a B.S. degree in engineering and retired in April of 2003 after a successful career managing a Global QA program for a major compressed gas company.
  • Eugene Zajac  - I was member from 1970 till corps folded. I played soprano. One of the greatest memories of any youth would be the long lasting memories of being a member of this organization. I will always remember, and never forget the great times and friends that were made in this time of my life. I wish I were 30 yrs younger so I could do it all over again. It was the greatest time of my life.
  • John Zajac  - 1974 till demise. I am now a professional freight relocation technician (over the road truck driver)
  • Paul Zimny  - Great job on the web site. Brought back a lot of nice memories. I marched as a mellophone in 1973, Thanks.
  • Dave Adams  - I marched in the Scarlet Knights and the Phantom Regiment in the 60's and 70's, and I thought I'd say hello.
  • Ron Anderson  - Great website, well done. I've been a fan of drum corps for over 40 years, starting as a kid, watching the Skokie Vanguard. We lived there and then moved to Des Plaines, which to our surprise, is where the corps moved. I am still a big fan and follow the Cavaliers. I never had the talent to be a member, but I'm a nut! Thanks for your work to put this site together, it brings back good memories. Ron Anderson
  • Bradford Andrews  - Santa Clara Vanguard 1972-78 Lead Soprano. Huge fan of Des Plaines!!!
  • Mike Andrews  - You guys gave me the drum corps bug. It was at your Spring camp in Elkhorn, WI, in 1965. Saturday night at the high school football field. I was hooked. Then found out that one of your member families (the Schucks) had a summer cottage on the same lake where I lived. Spent many great times there. Right after that Saturday night I joined the local corps, Elkhorn Titans (65-69) and later, went on to march with the La Crosse Blue Stars (70-72). You were one of the best ever in my book. I have a recording of the '68 Shriners show from Canada. Great recording but even a greater perfromance. Common Man flag-pres was fantastic and the haunting mello-phone parts in spellbound... WOW. I plan to visit your site often so keep it going. Hey Larry or Nancy, if you read this, drop me an e-mail. Love to get in touch with you. Mike from Lake Wandawega.
  • John Babicz  - I was a member of Custer's Brigade in 1963 and 1964. We competed against you often, I left before they became The Brigade. It was a wonderful experience.
  • Harold Barber  - I remember seeing the Des Plaines (The original & true) Vanguard at the 1969 VFW Nationals. I was there with my corps (the Carter Cadets from Brooklyn, NY). After playing Midwest Fleetwood album until the grooves wore out. I was utterly amazed when the corps came off in the company front with the mellophone sirens wailing. Absolutely incredible!! I also remember back then each corps was different. Not like the cookie cutter mold they prescribe to now. Hy Dreitzer also did charts for St. Rita's Brassmen, which was the next corps I joined and stayed with. He was truelly a musical genuis to have written excellent horn charts for two great corps at the same time. Des Plaines will always be a favorite original Vanguard. I'm honored to have competed against them. HB (Ex St. Rita's Brassmen) Drummer
  • Anthony Bartello  - I was the Drum Major for the Holy Name Cadets in 1956 & 1957 and I do remember the Vanguards and your colorful uniforms and the good sounds that you made. I'm sorry that you are no longer active and a performer group. Keep the memories alive with a great alumni group.
  • Harry Bartling  - Always felt Vanguard was one of the finest jr. corps to take to the field...great style, class, and precision. In my opinion, the best corps of '68. Always remember the way it was, it will never be that way again! Harry Bartling, Blue Rock, 67-68, 71
  • Bill Baur
  • Patti Blake (Harper)  - I marched with the Des Plaines Corsairs from 66-73. By 1969 I was a Drum Corp groupie....and I loved the "West Side Story" repertoire! Thanks for the memories!
  • Bill Blomquist  - Hey Jay, you have done a great job with the website. The documentation of show scores really helps jog the memory of the best time of our lives. I'll be a repeat visitor. Norwood Soprano '61-'67...RoyalAirs Reunion '03
  • David Borck
  • Marlene Brown (Miller)  - Enjoyed your website. I am a Bon Bon Alumni from the 50's and I played a soprano. I really enjoyed the trivia and your photos on here are great. Especially the way they are presented and the size. Good job!! Mar
  • Gregory (Puppet) Bruce  - I just popped in from a link provided on the St. Rita's site. If you're from the "old school" (the sixties and early seventies - pre DCI - do give a look at Anyway here's the thing: The first thing I thought of when I saw the name Vanguard was that great year of 1969. It was the Brassmen's first trip to the Midwest, and check this out: right off the top of my head I remember this show hosted by the Queensmen 1 Troopers 73.55 2 Kilties 70.40 3 Anaheim Kingsmen 68.75 4 Des Plaines Vanguard 67.05 5 Blue Stars 66.55 6 St. Rita's Brassmen 64.50 7 Santa Clara Vanguard 63.30 8 Boys of '76 62.55 9 Kenosha Queensmen 48.30 10 St. Francis Sancians 44.45 Then the next time we saw you guys (and girls, sorry!) was the next week at the Open. Those were the days, my friends! All the best! Gregory
  • Judy Cacioppo Ryan  - Great job on the website. Congratulations! (Royal Airs 1958-1965)
  • Bob Carney  - I'am in the Reilly Raiders and I have lovd your corps since the 1960's. Great web site.
  • Bill Carter  - Glad to see another corps from "The Great Corps Era" on the web. Good luck to all! Bill Carter, Royal Airs Alum, 1967-1968
  • Chuck Case  - Geneva Appleknocker alum 1962 - 1969. Played mellophone.
  • Warren Cooke  - "Cookie" , French Horn with the Yankee Rebels Sr. & Alumni Corps, Baltimore, MD 50's and early 60's...USAF Drum & Bugle Corps Wash. DC 1955 -59 French Horn. Jay, you have done a masterful job with the web site. Good luck for the future. Google up Yankee Rebels and the USAF Drum Corps for more details. Keep on keeping on !!
  • Joe Courtney  - Enjoyed your web site.
  • Adrian Croissant  - I competed against the Vanguard with the Belleville Black Knights in 1971. You had a great show! The Planets certainly got everyone's attention. Those were the memories!
  • Jeff Crooks  - Enjoyed your website. Remember you (or was it Norwood Park?) coming east in early 60's and marching in same show as my Bridgeport PAL Cadets. I wrote to Shirley Helfers from your guard for a while. Regards to her and to yall. Check out the Park City Pride. Alumni corps for Bridgeport made up of alums from a dozen of our local corps. Wish I could march with them once for auld lang syne. Jeff Crooks
  • Jeff Cupps
  • Douglas Cupps
  • Mick Daurio
  • Harold Davis  - Hello, Vanguard. Wow, I was just checking out the names in your guestbook! It's the "Who's Who of Drum Corps!" That's great, because I'm now posted as well (Mr. Nobody). I just want to say, Jay and company what a fabulous job you've done putting this wonderful site together. For a true legendary drum corps (for having more names of the corp the anyone else! )(Smiling) I never knew who was going to show up! Just how many names did this Drum Corps have Jay? But seriously! I wish this drum corps was still around... Like most of us now middle aged seniors.. .For many of us, the great drum corps we were a part of are long since gone.... And for most of us, all we have are our memories of a time long gone... We also lost many friends and loved ones... and that's the beauty of what is been done here... you take us all back to the best times of our lives ... Here a Drum Corps Salute to Jay, Bill, Sam , And Sam & Dave (The Singers?) For taking us all back with them........... Thank You! Yours truly, Harold "Smiley" Davis St. Rocco's Cadets, Brooklyn, NY
  • Louis DeMarco
  • Gary Dickelman  - Blessed Sacrament Golden Knights: 1967 - 71 BSGK Alumni 1991, 2000-present Webmaster,
  • Carol Dixon  - Daughter of 1969 Alum Curtis Harrold
  • Terry Doran  - Royal Airs 1966-1969 2002 to present. Great corps, great people, and in my opinion, the greatest Corps of 1967. Terry Doran 1st Bari Royal Airs
  • Duffy Dougherty
  • Larry Eiffert
  • Dennis (Dog) Evans  - 61-62 Flying Dutchmen 63 Chi-Angels,64 Spartans, 65-68 Royal Airs Currently Royal Airs Alumni Many, many great friends from you guys!
  • Michael Feltes  - While I'm not an alumnus of the Vanguard (I'm far too young for that!), I do have a connection through my grandfather, Ed Morrissey. Are there any recordings of the Vanguard available? I would have loved to see them play, but listening to them would be the next best thing. Thanks very much.
  • Chris Ferrara
  • Ian Finlay  - Marched with the GUELPH ROYALAIRES 1967-71. First time I saw the VANGUARD, I was completely in awe of your 1969 show. I listen to you often - great job everyone!!!!!
  • Ken Fligelman
  • Harlen Floyd
  • Wayne Ford  - I grew up in the "other" Vanguard (Miami) in the early '60s and although we competed over our common name and colors, I was a big fan of yours. Later I had the pleasure of bringing Dave Richards to Miami to work with the Legion of Brass Sr. and as staff coordinator of the Belleville Black Knights, had the ultimate honor of coaxing Frank Pamper out of retirement to write our show. I'm so glad to see this site and hope it is used as a springboard to get "Crusader Rabbit" in the Hall of Fame.
  • John Francese  - Having marched the previous evening in the Class B finals at the 72 World Open I was lucky enough to sitting in the stands at the A finals the following night. Where I saw one of the greatest Drum Corps performances ever. The 72 Des Plaines Vanguard. Have many great recordings 67 to 72.
  • John Francese  - I marched in a corp which was in the finals of the 1972 Class B Championship in Lynn Mass. The next night I was lucky enough to be sitting in the audience to see the 72 Vanguard present their planets show. One of the greatest drum corps shows ever. The guard came crawling out along the end lines prior to the OTL, it was great. Who ever was lucky enough to be a part of that corps is fortunate.
  • Fritz Freeman  - Lead french horn Cavaliers 1967, 7 years Marion Cadets - sop & FH. I was a marching member in 1967 of Park Ridge Cavaliers. It seemed that almost every show the Vanguard were on right before us. Because of this, I got to see the Vanguard many, many times. There was a particular point in the drill where this one sweek chick marched straight towards me with her pike. Being a devil-may-care Cavalier, I always would smile at her, and she smiled back!! One night I blew her a kiss. I know she saw it, because every contest after that she had an even bigger, wider grin. It was just something that, because of the drill, and the fact that all the other members in the Cavalier horn line were "in a zone," only she and I knew about this secret kiss every show. I have always wondered who she was. If any of the girls who marched in that guard in 67 recall this or know anything about it, please let me know. I'd love to hear how she's doing now.
  • Mike Freeman  - i was an active member of the Chicago Cavaliers from Oct.,'66 through the 1967 season as a lead french horn.
  • Ricky Fritzsching  - Great job Jay! This is an awesome website!
  • Mike Gallaway  - Ex- Blue Rocker from the late 60's and I loved the Mid west corps from that era....Vangurd had the badest uniforms at that time!!
  • Paul Gillon  - I liked the corps!
  • Jack Grady  - Great website. Great photos. I played snare drum for the Auburn Noteables, from Massachusetts; but the Skokie Vanguard was always one of my favorite Midwestern corps. As I told Jay, if I was living in the Chicago area in those days, I would have wanted to play snare for either Skokie or the Cavaliers. Though I loved such shows as your 1960 one, with "The Robe" off the line, my favorite Skokie Vanguard show was your 1965 one. You had a Skyliner-like sound that year, a taste of New York in Chicago. I also really enjoyed the corps after you relocated your HQ and changed your name to the Des Plaines Vanguard. You had some great years then, too.
  • Mickey Graeber  - This was a terrific drum corps. Great leadership by Frank Pamper. I marched with him in St. Greg's and Norwood.
  • Fynesse Graves  - WOW!!!!
  • Linda Grothman
  • Bill Gustafson  - I'm just a drum corps fan. Marched in the CL Heraldry Guard Marching Band from 1976 - 80.
  • Kevin Hagopian  - Guardsmen, 73-79, DM, 77-79. Des Plaines was always a model of innovation in drum corps. Frank Pamper, who instructed us in 76 and again briefly in 79, was an inspiration to us, and materially responsible for us being in DCI finals, when that really meant something. Drum corps is poorer because DPV is no longer on the field.
  • Jim Hamilton  - Hey Jay, Very nice site. Hope to see more Mid-west Sites such as ours help to preserve the memories and visions of our past glories. Best of luck from the BELLEVILLE BLACK KNIGHTS SITE.
  • Elaine Hannigan (Ogi)  - Marched with Nisei Ambassadors color guard (1963-68). Good friends with Jan [Gianapolous] Davie, Bill Buck & Steve Pattengale. Nisei just had a reunion at the Cavie was wonderful!!
  • Monroe Harper  - I was not a Vanguard member as Dr. W Mike Murphy indicated, my brother Morris Harper was. I marched with the Royal Aires in 1967 & 68 and have great memories of meeting various Vanguard members during that time.
  • Walter Harris  - In 1968 I came up from St.Louis, and tried out for the corp, along with my friends Curtis & Sam Harrold, but I went back to St.Louis, and marched with the Lancers, the corps that Curtis & Sam came from, but my heart was always with the Vanguard.
  • Kaye Harris (Mayfield)
  • Harry Hazelwood  - St. Joseph's Cadets, Newark NJ, New York Skyliners (sop. soloist), Hawthorne Caballeros (sop. soloist), DCA judge, DCI judge, brass instructor and brass arranger.....Great Website! It brings back great memories.
  • Shane Hellenga  - My friend, who I currently live with, used to watch the Vanguard perform in the 60's and 70's. He has recently gotten me to follow Drum Corps and DCI. I am a huge fan. I (shane) am 27 and he (james) is 65.
  • Reginald Henry  - Enjoyed your site, nice layout. I did find Des Plaines to be a corps of interest and entertainment. You were a corps to watch! .. and listen to!
  • Tim Holt  - My late grandma is Ma Reimer and late uncle is Edwin Reimer - any info, photos would be appreciated.
  • Terrance Holt  - I am Ed Riemer's nephew and Ma Riemer's grandson.I was just looking for pictures of them for my Mom.
  • Mark Holub  - I marched in a couple of local Long Island Corps- the Babylon Islanders and the Smithtown Freelancers before I joined St. Rita's Brassmen. I was a snare drummer in all of them. Hy Dreitzer was the brass arranger/instructor for The Islanders and Brassmen. You were VERY fortunate to have had him with you as well. The Brassmen have recently started an alumni corps and are playing some of the music that he had arranged for us when he was with us. I remember the Vanguard well. You've got a great web site. It shows the pride you have in your Corps and rightfully so!!! The Vanguard was a GREAT Corps!!! Regards, Mark Holub
  • Janice Hughes - Neal  - March with St Brenden's and Heney Honrots...thanks for the smile today
  • John Imperial
  • James Isbrandt
  • Tom Ishikawa  - Great to see the power of the Internet bringing people and memories together. I was with the Nisei Ambassadors (soprano line) from 1967 - 1974. Drum Corps then and now is still fantastic. Nisei hopes to emulate this great web site to do the exact same things you guys have done. Congratulations and let's all stay in touch!
  • Dan Jones  - Just wondered if anyone could collaborate the 1967 VFW prelims.....It lists in 17th place the Marching Angels....I marched with a corps from Bellefontaine Ohio called 'Angels of Ohio' and we were there in 1967 and in prelims....Could it be that 17th place is not the Marching Angels but the Angels of Ohio.....Any info would be appreciated....Thanks
  • Larry Kalck  - Very nicely done web site. I am the webmaster for the new Norwood Park Imperials alumni web site at and I'll certainly add a link to the NP site - I am adding a links page soon and you'll be there. I'll also send a graphic soon. Tell Pam Swanson I said hi!
  • Adrianne Kaplan
  • Steve Kas  - Great website,thanks for the great memories.
  • Jim Kemnitz  - Nice site. Had a few friends in the Vanguard. Always loved your stuff. Drum lines: '63 Cougars, '64 Spartans, '65 Royal Airs, '02 and '03 Royal Airs Alumni
  • John Knebl Jr.  - I enjoyed your website. My Dad (Jay), Mom (Vi), StepMom (Peggy), Aunt and Uncle (Barretts), and tons of friends(Agnellos, Lacasses, Kruegers) all marched. Very proud of them. This website is a great tribute, Thanks!!
  • Moe Knox
  • Patrick Koszuta  - I marched with Milwaukee's Lake Band for years. I then marched with The Old Imperial's Of St. Patrick (Pioneer) and I am still active with Lake Band as President (my two children marched). I saw the Royal Airs last night in South Milwaukee. Fantastic Show.
  • John LaBarbera  - Royal Airs Junior corps and now with the Reunion Corps. Great Website! Would like to thank all the Vanguards who marched with Royal Airs Reunion Corps! I would also love to see more of your Alumni... come out and march with us...would be great to get the horn line up to 100 and a bigger drum line and guard! Hope to see some more Vanguards marching this year - its a Blast! .. Ask Sammy! 1st camp is Nov. 21, 22, 23, 2003 - come out just to sit in and see if you like us! You won't be sorry! Jay McGuffin joined - so should you!
  • Brian Lang
  • Fran Lawless  - I've worked at O'Hare airport since 1978. I often taxi United aircraft past the old Braniff-NorthWest hangar where one of your members died in 1968. Please know that prayers are still said for his soul and that what happened that night in that place has not been forgotten. Fran Lawless, United Airlines Lead Mechanic.
  • Glen Letourneau  - My wife, Cathleen (O'Connell),was in the Corps until the end of the junior corps activities. Both of us were members of the Vanguard Senior Corps.
  • Tom Lindsay  - My last year with the Phantom Regiment was 1963, so I missed out on the Rockford - Des Plaines migration of members. Then it was the Huricanes after discarge from Uncle Sam.... Great site Jay! (love all the pictures) Oh the pain!!!!! I'm "Florida Brass" now and we're so new that pics aren't available yet. Any of you old farts move down here to Florida and check us out! "See you at DCA"
  • Andy Lisko  - Always a pleasure seeing the Chicago Vanguard. I marched against you in both the St. Raphael's Bucs and Bpt. PAL Cadets in the mid 60's ... I went onto the NY Skyliners but followed your progress through Hy - he was always very proud of you. Thanks for the memories ... Andy
  • James Lopez
  • James Lopez  - I was surfing the net and found this website. I marched Jr.Corps in the 60's and 70's, the 70's and 80's and the Vanguard Sr. Corps in 1987. Cathy O'Connell/Letorneau- I am in the guest book now
  • Steve Martell
  • Shawn McDowell
  • Patrick McGowan  - Morton Grove Cougars '62, '63 Dad (Robert McGowan) Skokie Indian bass drum '52 to '62. Lived across Lincoln Ave. from Meirhoffer Bus Co practice field. Heard and saw Vanguard many summer nights. Was that really 40+ years ago?
  • Bob McGuffin  - Brought up in the "acoustic" marching band tradition, myself. I can't imagine electronics on the field. What's up with that?
  • John McTaggart  - I was in De La Salle (Color Guard)from 63 to 68. I always enjoyed your corps, especially in 68 and 69. Fantastic site. Best of luck to all. John McT.
  • Bob Merino  - You have a great website, and were a great corp. Thanks for the plug on the St. Rita's Brassmen website! Bob Merino St. Rita's Brassmen
  • Mike Michna  - Racine Scouts 66-68. BBari. Competed against you guys many times, got our a**es kicked most of them. Great fun.
  • Paul Milano  - (Chicago Cavaliers of the lates 60s and 70s). While helping a friend move, I found these old photos of Vanguard. Enjoy!
  • Pam Miller (Zechlin)  - Love the corps. I was in the Scarlet Knights color guard and later the drum major for Custers Brigade in the early 60's. What fun it was. Fantastic memories. At the time the corps were run by Larry Grabowski. Ring a bell with anyone? Thanks for this sight. It brought back many fond memories of good times. And of course hard work.
  • Bill Mischik  - Great Site!! Love the Pics! I would like to exchange links. Thanks, Bill
  • Marita Moniger  - I was with Marty Hanlon, who recently died, for 25 years. I talked to Cathy Letourneau, who told me to come to this website. I will attach the memorial book and a recent photo of Marty to my email to you.
  • Gene Monterastelli
  • Peter Mosley  - De La Salle Oakland Alumni... Played Snare. “Fanfare for the Common Man/Simple Gifts”... That is one of, if not THE defining moment for me personally in drum corps. I remember sitting in the stands at the North Americans – the first time I heard that number with the timp intro – blew me away! I still get goose bumps thinking about it. Probably wore out the damn record. Congrats to all in keeping alive a great tradition.
  • Dawn Mudry  - If you know of anyone in CT that is looking for a home in a Drum Corps... The CT Alumni Senior Drum & Bugle Corps, based in Oxford, CT, is holding it's annual membership drive and we would like to extend an open invitation to anyone interested in renewing their love of drum corps. We are canvassing all of Connecticut to get old Drum Corp buddies back in touch with the Drum Corp life and anyone else who would like to be part of this exciting hobby. With the CT Alumni there are no dues, we supply equipment, uniform and instruction. Our attitude is casual and our goal is to have fun. To find out more about us and our Drum Corps family visit our site at We look forward to hearing from you. Dawn Mudry CT Alumni
  • Bob Mujica
  • Robert Muller  - My father, Bob Muller, marched snare in 66 & 67. In Oct, 2002, He passed away after A brave battle with cancer. He was always very proud of what the corps did in those years and I know he would have loved and appreciated this website. Thank you very much.Now I have a new wallpaper (67/ Bob playing multi bass drum feature-Yeah!). I wish the best for all the alum.
  • Terry Nakagawa  - Jay, Great site! Nice work. Terry Nisei Ambassadors Alumn
  • Jim Nevermann  - A slick and very comprehensive website. I most remember your 1969 show with the spine-chilling 'sirens' into Aquarius, color-pre, and the gutsy, final drum solo. Too, too neat! Also, you led the way for everyone else with timp-toms replacing single tenors. My years in the Illinois area [1971-82] I taught and wrote for the drumlines of the Phantom Regiment, Spirit of '76, Fox Valley Raiders [some of the book] and the University of Illinois 'Marching Illini'. Many thanks for the Vanguard memories and the pix!
  • Joe Nicholson  - JI marched with St.Raphaels Golden Buccaneers form 1957 until 1968 when the corps disbanded. I competed against the Vanguard quite often. I enjoyed watching your corps. From there I went on to play with the CONN. HURRICAINES. I've been with the Hurcs for 25 years now.I will be looking at your web sight more often now.ay, as a former member of St. Raphael’s Golden Buccaneers, and the Conn.Hurricanes, now a member of the Park City Pride, glad to see people from other alumni corps looking on the pcp web. Joe.
  • Helen Nyman  - Attended the DesPlaines Historical Society talk today and enjoyed hearing about the corp. Have a sister and brother-in-law that marched with the St. Michael's Chi-Angels. Also, friend of John LaBarbara through my sister, Evie Gertie (Mosczynski) and John Gertie (drum line).
  • renee olson  - I was in the rebels 1974 you were great.
  • Thomas Ottey  -  Hi, my name is Tom Ottey. I was a member of The Invaders of Norristown, PA. I played first horn from 1954 to 1962. I loved every moment.
  • Paul J Paterson  - I was a member of De La Salle Oaklands and a fan of the Vanguard especially that '68 show ... loved it! The album of 1968 North American show in Toronto with both Del and Vanguard on it is one of favourites.
  • Ernie Ploskunyak  - Hi, I'm a former member of the Trumbull Troubadors junior corps and currently a member of The Park City Pride Alumni Corps. I enjoyed visiting your website and would like to invite you to visit us at Best wishes to all Vanguard Alumni. The Park City Pride is having a great time re-living the 60s and 70s through our reunion corps and are excited to share our experiences with you. Please stop by the website and have a look.
  • Brian Prairie  - Jay I met you at the Naperville show with Bill Buck. It was nice to meet you and meeting Sam Agnello. The Vanguard Website is the best. I keep looking for more audio from time to time. I appreciate everything the website has to offer. I do not look at many pictures because I am on dial up. but I tell alot of my drum corps buddies about your site. Here is my guest info if you can put it on. I loved the Vanguard.
  • Raymond W. Priester  - NY Skyliners
  • Mark Reinhardt  - De La Salle "Oaklands" 1971-'74 Oakland Crusaders 1975
  • Doug Roberts  - I lived in London, Ontario and Toronto when the Vanguard were in their heyday (late 60's). What a horn line!!
  • Judy Ryan
  • John Schultz  - Drum Major for Custer's Brigade till 64. Viscount Guard Instructor 70-75. DCI Judge 73-85. Marching Bands of American Charter Member, Gurnee, Il MB Direcotr 72-74. Now I work for the Boy Scouts of America after retiring 27 years US Army, Active Duty, 1SG.
  • John Schultz
  • Dave Scott  - Jay: Great job on the website! I was always a big Vanguard fan back in the 60's. It's been great marching "Big Blue" with Sam Agnello, Phillip Moore, Steve Pattengale and Bill McClellan. I invite other Vanguard alums to sign on to march RA in 2004. It's a blast! Dave Scott Royal- Airs '02-'04 Black Knights'66-'72
  • David Shaw  - A member of the Holy Name/Garfield Cadets, 1950-58; and a friend and fan of the Vanguard, under all your banners.
  • David Shaw
  • Rob Skiera
  • Chuck Smith  - In the '50's I used to be a pen-pal with Frank Pamper, Frank was a great Liberty Bell of Phila. fan. His dream was to have a corps that wore red and black. I always followed the Vanguard and enjoyed their innovative music. Chuck Smith, Pgh. Rockets & Archer-Epler Musketeers
  • Charles Stratton  - Through the 60s I marched With the Berwyn Blue Knights, St.Alexis Vikings, and McHenry Viscounts. A few people that I knew went on to the Vanguards.
  • Charles Stratton  - Same as last comments. Entry for email address change
  • Jim Sutton  - I marched in Blue Rock, Wilmington, DE from 1964 to 1974 and remember the first time that I saw the 'Vanguard' at VFW Nationals. I was blown away by the huge number of horns and guard that you put on the field. In those years I seem to remember you and the Royal Airs as being the best from the midwest. Loved your corps! Jim Sutton
  • Ken Szadowski  - Jay - great looking website. I'm so glad you decided to "Do Blue". You will enjoy the experience. My best wishes to the many Vanguards that I've had the privilege of knowing over the years. My best to all... Ken Szadowski
  • Brian Tolzmann  - I'll never forget the Vanguard waiting on the starting line at the 1972 U.S. Open finals, when all the power went off in the stadium. When the lights finally came back on, DPV stormed their way onto the field and the crowd went wild! Long live the Des Plaines Vanguard!!!
  • John Tomaszek
  • David Trujillo  - I am an old drum corps guy from Stockton, California. Played a frenchie for the Stockton Commodores ('66-69. My best friend was Jim Ott. Just wanted wanted you guys to know that we use to listen to drum corps records like all night. and dream of being as good as the East Coast Seniors & the Mid-West Jrs. One of our fav horns lines was the 66 Des Plaines Vanguard. You talk about balls, best Chicago OTL I ever heard. You had some real players. I still listen to the album, I think it is called the The Big or Top Midwest 4. Anyway it is fantastic. I feel the old school sounds are so much better. I would love to hear the old arrangements play by todays kids, wow.. would that be cool or what. Who wrote that book?? Anyway, just wanted to share some old thoughts, it brought some good times for me,, David
  • David Trujillo  - I'm old drum corps cat, marched in the Stockton Commodores in the 60's. We used to love listening to the records of the Midwest & Eastern corps. One of my ALL TIME favs still is the '66 Des Plaines Vanguard. I mean you cats could really blow!!!! Every section was tough. I left this message once long ago & someone was kind enough to answer. Since then, I have started teaching an all brass horn line at small "Non-public" school. When I started they had six horn players, today we march with 32 & these kids blow pretty good. This is going to sound pretty crazy, but here goes. I would love to get my hands on Hy Dreitzer's arrangement of Bill Bailey. My little drum corps plays nothing but the good old tunes. Jim Ott & I grew up together, so I was able to play his "Georgia", I know the Zimmy's, so we played "Birth of the Blues" & "Alexander's Ragtime Band". When it comes to drum corps sounding music, what can come even close to your '66 opener of Chicago?? Nothing. That's my point, my little drum corps is playing music loss to the ages & the Stockton area poeple think we are great. Anyway, a no is an answer, but wouldn't be very cool if some new young kids got blow "BB" just one more time. I know Hy, Jim & Tru would get a kick out of it. Thanks, David
  • William Vaughn (POO)  - I played the baritone horn for the Carter Cadets of Brooklyn N.Y, The C.C.M.C Warriors 1970-1975, and the New York Skyliners 1976/ 1980. I loved hearing and watching the powerful Des Plaines Vanguard. I also loved playing for Hy Dreitzer - I only would play Hy's music and that, my friends, is what I loved about The Vanguard - - the Music. Our web site. please list us a contact site. Our site is going to change a bit to add list certainly The Des Plaines Vanguard will be on it. Thanks, POO
  • Steven Vickers  - Jay: Looks great. Congrats on going online! Steve Publisher, Drum Corps World
  • Nunzio Virgilio  - YOU GUYS WHERE GREAT
  • Tom Walter  - Great work on the website, Jay. Hello to all my friends from the Vanguard. The pictures bring some great memories to the forefront. Tom Norwood Park Soprano
  • Bob (Ski) Waninski  - Great site. Lots of familiar names here Chicago Connection days. Hi to all my friends
  • Larry Wealand  - To the DPV, I remember you "well". "Awesome" corps in late 60's and early 70's. Yours in the spirit of drum corps! Larry W.(Reading Buccaneer Alumnus)
  • Glenn Weber  - Great web site. Keep adding to it. Let's not lose this important information. I hope anyone who sees this gets bitten by the bug to preserve their corps in a similar fashion.
  • Bill Welch  - French Horn - Scarlet Knights, Winfield Scott Rebels & M.O.B. Horn Instructor - Fox Valley Raiders
  • Geoff Whiting  - Competed against you and met members at August 13, 1969 National Preview in Batavia, NY. We were amused at the "big city" jargon of the day as everything was prefixed with "super" as in "we were super-bad" or "super-good" at this show or that show.
  • Geoff Whiting  - I remember your corps from the 60's and 70's. One of the true greats of the activity. Competed against you in 1969 at Batavia, NY in my corps the Geneva Appleknockers.
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